878 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah membahas tentang integral Lebesgue secara konstruktif yaitu bentuk integral Lebesgue sebagai limit jumlah. Selanjutnya dikaji sifat-sifat terkait diantaranya adalah sifat ketunggalan hasil dan sifat kelinearan, teorema Cauchy dan teorema ekivalensi. Kata kunci : integral Riemann, integral Lebesgue


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    Development of Automatic Torque Bond Test

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    Proper bonding between adjacent pavement layers is very important to ensure good pavement performance. Manual torque bond test is known to be one of the tests to determine mechanical properties of bond between adjacent pavement layers. However, the test has several drawbacks that may affect the accuracy of results. This paper is focused on the development a mechanically controlled automatic torque bond test in order to eradicate the drawbacks associated with the manual torque bond test. A trial test and calibration of the newlydeveloped apparatus was performed to ensure the accuracy of results. The nominal loading rate of the manual torque bond test performed at 600Nm/min was found to be lower than the target loading rate, leading to a lower measured shear strength compared to that of the automatic torque test. It was also found that the appearance of lateral shear would not significantly affect the shear strength


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    Sago starch has potential as source of flour for noodle. However, noodle made of sago starch has only been limitedly utilized due to the absence of gluten and lack of desired functional properties. Heat moisture treatment (HMT) is a promising technique for improving quality of sago noodle. The objectives of the present work were to study the effect of HMT of sago starch on its noodle quality. Four different origins of sago starch, i.e. Tuni, Ihur, Molat, and Pancasan, were treated with HMT method. HMT was performed by exposing the starch to high temperature (110oC for 16 hours) at moisture content of 25%. Sago starch was then processed into noodle. It was prepared by mixing the sago starch with binder (completely gelatinized starch and additive) into dough. The dough was pressed manually through a container with holes in the base. Noodles strains were steamed for 2 minutes and dried at 50oC in a convection drier. As the control, non-HMT sago starch was used and evaluated. Parameters evaluated were starch properties, physical strength, and cooking and sensory quality of the noodles. Analyses of variance was subjected to all parameters. Research results showed that the starch exposed to HMT changed its pasting profile from initial type A before treated to type B after treated. The noodle quality was also improved. Noodles resulted from starch treated with HMT showed higher firmness and elasticity, but they have lower stickiness compared to those of non-HMT. Less cooking loss and rehydration weight were also found, however, HMT increased cooking time of the noodles. HMT on Pancasan sago starch resulted in noodles which were preferred most by panelists. However, consumer testing is recommended to further validate consumers' preferences to the sago starch noodles. The study indicated that sago starch could be potentially used as raw material for noodles to increase the consumption of sago-based food


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    Kyai Saleh Darat is a scholar who wrote about 12 books using the Java language with Arabic pegon, one of them is Minhāj al-Atqiyā'.Ā  In the book which is a translation and explanation of Hidāyat al-Adzkiyā' i1ā TharÄ«q al-Auliyā' written by Al-Malibari, there are some personal opinions of Kyai Saleh which are able to describe his characteristic thinking of tasawuf. Generally speaking, tasawuf is divided into sunni tasawuf and falsafi tasawuf. Sunni tasawuf is tasawuf bordering and underlying the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet as well as distancing itself from the various deviation of akidah that tend to lead to heresy and disbelief. On the other hand, falsafi tasawuf is tasawuf which is deemed to have been put into them philosophical views from outside Islam like the Indian, Greek, Persian and Christian. Supporters of this concept explain that the syari'at is not important, the more important matters is the true tauhid in accordance with the doctrine of wahdah alĀ­-wujud. Observing the concept of tasawuf written in the Book of Minhaj al-Atqiya' it can be seen that tasawuf developed by Kyai Saleh is sunni tasawuf which is very stressed in syari`at practice. He is a great admirer of A1-Ghazali and the book written by him refers to the opinion of A1-Ghazali, one of the most instrumental figure in reconciling tasawuf and syariā€™at at which therefore tasawuf is accepted by syariā€™ah scholars---Kyai Saleh Darat merupakan seorang ulamaā€™ yang menulis sekitar 12 kitab berbahasa Jawa dengan huruf Arab pegon yang salah satunya adalah Minhāj al-Atqiyā'. Di dalam kitab yangĀ  merupakan terjemah dan syarah dari Hidāyat al-Adzkiyā' i1ā TharÄ«q al-Auliyā' karya Al-Malibari itu terdapat beberapa pendapat pribadi Kyai Saleh yang bisa menggambarkan corak pemikiran tasawufnya. Secara umum, tasawuf dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu tasawuf sunni dan tasawuf falsafi. Tasawuf sunni adalah tasawuf yang memagari dan mendasarinya dengan Al-Qur'an dan Hadits Nabi serta menjauhkan diri dari berbagai penyimpangan akidah yang cenderung membawa kepada kesesatan dan kekafiran. Di sisi lain,Ā  tasawuf falsafi adalah tasawuf yang dianggap telah dimasukkan ke dalamnya pandangan-pandangan filosofis dari luar Islam seperti dari India, Yunani, Persia dan Kristen. Pendukung paham ini menyatakan bahwa syari'at tidaklah penting, yang lebih penting adalah tauhid sejati yang sesuai dengan doktrin wahdah alĀ­-wujud. Mencermati konsep tasawuf yang terdapat dalam Kitab Minhaj al-Atqiya'Ā  dapat diketahui bahwa tasawuf yang dikembangkan oleh Kyai Saleh adalah tasawuf sunni yang sangat menekankan pengamalan syari`at. Dia adalah pengagum berat A1-Ghazali dan kitab yang disusunnya banyak mengacu kepada pendapat A1-Ghazali, seorang tokoh yang paling berjasa dalam mendamaikan atau merujukkan tasawuf dan syari`at yang karenanya tasawuf diterima oleh ahli syari'a

    Designing Model for Truck Assignment Problem in Beef Delivery Using DBSCAN Algorithm

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    In beef route delivery, many logistics companies have problems in making delivery plans correctly. Most logistics companies have a limited number of trucks, but there are shipping schedules, locations and volumes of demand is not fixed, in addition to returning products with various reasons that must be collected. Therefore the purpose of this study is to assign trucks to fulfill all beef delivery activities at a minimum cost. One reason for research on truck assignments in beef delivery is the high cost of shipping because it uses cold chains. This study uses the DBSCAN method to obtain density values based on customer distance to the central warehouse and the number of delivery requests, the data used in this study is the data of product delivery to customers for 6 months. Clustering research results using DBSCAN show the maximum values for epsilon 0.7 and Minpoints 2 are 3 clusters with 6 noises. with these results divided of trucks based on clusters is 2 trucks for the area of Banten, 7 trucks forthe area of Jakarta, Bogor, and Bekasi, 2 trucks for Malang, and Surabaya, and 1 truck for the Bali area and noise or non-permanent delivery

    Subaltern: Agama Kaum Punkers

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    Abstrak Tujuan peneltian ini untuk menjelaskan bentuk agama dari kaum Punkers dari simbol dan ritual-ritualnya berdasarkan teori agama dari Durkheim. Penelitian bersifat kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Waktu penelitian selama satu bulan dan subjek penelitiannya adalah kaum Punkers di Surabaya dan Sidoarjo. untuk memperoleh data menggunakan teknik observasi dan in depth interview dan purposive sebagai teknik pemilihan informan. analisis data menggunakan fenomenologi ilmiah. Kaum Punkers memiliki beberapa simbol seperti rambut mohawk, rantai, tato, piercing, sepatu booth, skinny paint dan jaket kulit. Simbol-simbol ini memiliki makna yang mengikat persamaan mereka. ritual-ritual mereka seperti setiap malam jumat membakar ayam hasil curian, makan nasi bungkus bersama-bersama dan mengais sisa-sisa makanan dari tong sampah. Dari simbol dan ritual-ritual ini terbentuklah suatu agama modern yakni agama Punk. Dari simbol dan ritual-ritual ini menguatkan kesadaran kolektif kaum Punkers. Kesadaran kolektif dari mereka yang terbangun dari simbol dan ritual mendasarkan pada persamaan rasa tentang musikalitas. persamaan kecintaan pada musik Punk mengalir dalam darah mereka dan menciptakan suatu sistem perilaku yang ada dalam benak mereka. Dari nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam kaum Punkers, dapat merujuk pada konsepsi dari Durkheim tentang tipe masyarakat solidaritas mekanik. Kesadaran kolektif dari mereka yang terbangun dari simbol dan ritual mendasarkan pada persamaan rasa tentang musikalitas. persamaan kecintaan pada musik Punk mengalir dalam darah mereka dan menciptakan suatu sistem perilaku yang ada dalam benak mereka dan membentuk agama Punk. agama Punk menjadi suatu agama modern  dan memiliki para penganut yang setia. Kata Kunci: Punk, simbol, ritual, agama, kesadaran kolektif Abstract The purpose of this study is to describe the shape of the Punkers of religious symbols and rituals based on Durkheim's theory of religion. This research using qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. Time of this study are one month and this subject of research are Surabaya and Sidoarjo Punkers. To obtain data using observation and in -depth interviews and a purposive for selection techniques informant. Analysized of data using scientific phenomenology. The Punkers have some symbols like mohawk hair, chains, tattoos, piercing, shoes booth, paint and skinny leather jacket. These symbols have meanings that bind their equations. Their rituals like burning stolen chicken every Friday night, eating rice wrapped together with and scavenge leftover food from garbage cans. From the symbols and rituals of modern religion which formed a Punk religion. From symbols and rituals strengthen the collective consciousness of the Punkers. Collective consciousness of them built from symbols and rituals based on the equation sense of musicality. Simialirity of  loving Punk’s music flowing in their blood and create a system of behaviors that exist in their minds. Of the values ā€‹ā€‹contained in the Punkers, can refer to  conception’s of Durkheim's mechanical solidarity society types. Collective consciousness of those that built from symbols and rituals based on the equation sense of musicality. Simialirity of  loving Punk’s music in their blood flowing and create a system of behaviors that exist in their minds and create a Punk religion. The Punk’s religion  become a modern religion and have the faithful adherents. Keywords: Punk, Symbols, Rituals,  Religion, Collective consciousnes

    Uncertainty Models in Reverse Supply Chain: A Review

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    Reverse logistic has become an important topic for the organization due to growing environmental concern, government regulation, economic value, and sustainable competitiveness. Uncertainty is one of the key factors in the reverse supply chain that must be controlled; thus, the company could optimize the reverse supply chain function. This paper discusses progress in reverse logistic research. A total of 72 published articles were selected, analyzed, categorized and the research gaps were found among them. The study began by analyzed previous research articles in reverse logistic. In this stage, we also collected and reviewed journals discussing about the reverse supply chain. Meanwhile, the result of this stage shows that uncertainty factor has not been reviewed in detail. The most common theme as the background research in reverse logistic is environmental and economic aspect. Uncertainty in Close Loop Supply Chain is the most widely used approach, followed by the usage on reverse logistics, reverse supply chain and reverse Model. The most used approach and method on uncertainty are Mixed Integer Linear Programing, mixed integer nonlinear Programing, Robust Fuzzy Stochastic Programming, and Improved kriging-assisted robust optimization method. Customer demand, total cost, product returns are the most widely researched aspects. This paper may be useful for academicians, researchers and practitioners in learning on reverse logistic and reverse supply chain; therefore, close loop supply chain can be guidance for upcoming researches. Research opportunity based on this research combines total cost, quality return product, truck capacity, delivery route, remanufacturing capacity, and facility location got optimum function in uncertainty. The research method and approach for MINLP, IK-MRO and RSFP provide many opportunities for research. For theme and area in reverse logistic, close loop supply chain is the theme that provides the most research opportunities
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